
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Turbos Charging the Future of Effeciency

By Ryan Ellis
(Above) An Ecoboost Engine from the
 Ford Motor Company. The turbo charger is the main
feature of the Ecoboost line of engines.

Since the 1970's turbo chargers have just been a way to make gas guzzling muscle cars go even faster, although technically more efficiently. Limitations in technology caused the practicality of turbos to be exclusive to "suped up" race cars. Only recently have turbos made a come back into the mainstream, however this time they have completely different intentions.

With gas prices that will only get higher and government MPG requirements, auto makers are in need of new ways to make their cars more fuel efficient - and turbo chargers seem to be the answer. Turbos themselves do not necessarily save gas, they make smaller engines perform comparably to larger, less efficient engines. I personally see turbo chargers as the cornerstone of the future for fuel efficient automobiles. Now that turbos have made their comeback, how quick can auto makers integrate them into all of their cars?

Info from : Henry, J. (2012, February 28). Turbocharging to Save Gas, Instead of to Go Fast. Retrieved September 15, 2105, from


  1. I really love reading you post because I love to know more about performance parts for cars. What the difference between supercharge and turbo ?

    1. Turbo chargers are run by exhaust gases from the engine. Super chargers are typically chain driven via gears connected to the crank shaft of the engine. Its requires extra work by the engine to run a supercharger and therefore makes them less efficient than turbos.

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