
Monday, November 23, 2015

Blog Synthesis

By Ryan Loveland, Ryan Ellis and Dalano Bass

Over the past few months, blogging has been a very good experience for us. We have learned new ways that our field has affected the world. Researching on the internet has given us new ways to look at our field, and explore the different sources we have. Mechanical engineering is a very broad field, and it is because of this fact that there are so many people in the field that share their knowledge on the internet and other mediums.

Engineering is one of the toughest college majors that one could take. Requiring some of the more extraneous courses offered by the college. Our assignment has been to do research within in our own fields and create a blog posts. Since the start of our blogs, we’ve learned what it means to be an engineer. Being an engineer means a lot more than doing well in college technical courses, see: Requirements of a Mechanical Engineer. To be a successful engineer, one should be involved in different organizations within the field. Start early when trying to get an internship or co-op program to succeed after completing your education.

            As an engineering student it is important to begin networking as soon as possible. Don't be discouraged as a freshman to go to career fairs, and get your resume out. Companies like Ford and General Motors won’t hire anyone under junior level, but there are other companies out there looking for freshman engineers. Obtaining an internship after your freshman year can be a great opportunity. Not only are you networking within the company you’re working at, you are getting real world job experience. Some companies won’t hire a person without any prior working experience within the field, but when they see the internships you have acquired over your years as a student, they will be sure to keep your resume at the top.

            With engineering being one of the hardest majors in college, developing successful strategies is a must. In one of our recent posts, we discussed a textbook in which entails multiple strategies to succeed. That post can be viewed here:Asking questions and breaking assumptions.The title of this book is called “Studying Engineering, A Roadmap to a Rewarding Career”. This textbook is actually a resource within itself, and describes multiples methods in order to help engineering students. Many students fall prey to introductory level classes that specifically weed out students, as mentioned in the post. A constant flow of challenging courses means that being well planted in the beginning of your engineering career is mandatory. Being well planted meaning, getting the most out of every resource available for you at your university.

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